9th Grade Fahrenheit 451 Banned Books Multimedia Research Project
(Deadlines for each part to be announced)
Part 1: Research
Using our “ Censorship, Banned Books, and the Freedom to Read” Lib Guide and library search tools, research historical and contemporary issues related to banned books.
Some focal points might include:
Part 2: Collaboration
Using your new found knowledge, share what stands out to you as significant, interesting, problematic, and/or surprising with classmates.
Part 3: Claim
As a group, develop a working claim about book banning that will shape and be developed in your media project.
Part 4: Return to Research
Part 3: Source selection:
As a group, select a total of 7 sources that will be useful to your claim and multi-media project.
Part 4: Critical Annotated Bibliography:
Write a one paragraph summary and critique for each of your 6 sources. Each student in your group should write at least 1 of the paragraphs. Our library lesson will serve as a guide. We will also review how to write and format critical annotated bibliographies.
Part 5: Multi-Media Project
Student groups will choice a media project format from the menu below:
Multimedia Creation
Create a slide presentation focusing on the history of banned books through the present
Create an interactive board game focused on banned books.
Design a commercial or video trailer for a banned book or multiple related banned books.
Develop a Ted Talk about the dangers of banning books
Write and perform a speech before Congress focused on the dangers of banning books. Videotaped or live.
Write and perform a song about the dangers of banning books. Include visuals such as a music video or cover art
Write a script for a reenactment of a court scene focused on banning books. Act out the parts of lawyers, judges, and witnesses. Present court scene as a film or live performance.
Interview other Bronx Science students about their thoughts on banned books. Be informative and demonstrate knowledge of book banning as you interview. Videotape interviews.
Create a videogame focused on banned books if you have advanced coding knowledge.
Design a magazine about banned books
A Book Banning Multimedia Research project of your choice. (See me for prior approval)