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Modern Language Association (MLA) Guide 9th Edition: Cite an Image from Text

A guide to using MLA 9th citation style created by Ms. Sweis.

How to Use This Guide

MLA citations style consists of a works cited list and use of in-text citations. Use this guide as a reference point on how to cite correctly. 

Cite an Image

Cite an Image from Text:

Cite the entire book for in your works cited page.

In-text example without a page number:

One political cartoonist working during the 1919 Paris peace talks depicted Bolshevism as an aggressive, predatory hawk, and the peace treaty as an unknowing dove (MacMillan, fig. 6).

In-text example with a page number:

In describing the influences of Byzantine and Levantine silks on Anglo-Saxon art, C. R. Dodwell includes an image from the Bayeux Tapestry depicting two beasts eating their own tales (fig. 45, p. 169).  


MLA Handbook, 9th Ed., pp. 6-8